Weekly Update #69, 3 Feb 2022

Author: Jason Bush

Shameron Stevenson, owner of Lucky Builders, and his crew literally dropped what they were busy working on Wednesday and met me at the Southmayds to install a drop-down staircase in the garage ceiling, the garage man-door to the backyard, and the solid 20-minute rated garage door that leads into the house. Jeff, a resident of Cottage Grove, is helping out Shamerons crew below.

We have determined that the next big step is to get the cabinets installed, Glenn should be coming out soon to go over the design with Jayson & Misty.


I heard back from Matt at Gardner Flooring, who indicated that Shaw is helping out, and Matt is simply passing the product on to us at no addittional cost. Matt also said he has a crew that will install it at a reduced rate of about $1.50 per square foot. I think the going rate is closer to $3.50. It sounds like the total installed costs will be about $11,400. A huge relief. Thank you Matt!


Emerald People’s Utility District, EPUD, got the transformer installed, the power pulled, and the meter base installed, so we now have power to the home.


Louie Buendia, owner of Premier Concrete poured the front porch last Friday as reported, and wow does it look fantastic. We we’re unable to get a time slot with Knife River, who has given us a big discount, so once again, River Bend came through and was also able to give us a great price. We will work hard at using Knife River for the garage and back porches. Louie also offered to spread the dozen or so loads of soil we have out back, filling in all the low spots around the house and septic tank, and cleaning up the site. Nolan Booher dropped his dump trailer off on Thursday, and Louie has it filled up and the site looking very nice, cleaned up, and organized.

Louie’s crew above working on getting the site cleaned up and organized. Louie said they will try and get the garage slab poured.


Above is the front porch slab and ADA ramp into the front door.


Jared & Joel have done an amazing job above & Joel below working on the rear bench installation.


Jason Bush, CBO

Building Official

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