Weekly Update #74 & 75, 11 & 18 Mar 2022

Author: Jason Bush

Dan Cooper, owner of DC Fine Homes, has verified that he will purchase a flag pole for the front yard. We’re hoping for a 30 foot one as they are in the country, with lots of tall trees. David Daugherty, of Daugherty Landscape Architects should be getting close with a landscape design that, will allow us place the flag in the most appropriate place. Many thanks to David & Dan.

Taylor’s Restaurant Equipment indicated the appliances that they bought for us should be in on March 17 to their showroom in Creswell. Brent & Holly indicated they would store them until they are needed on the job. Thank you so much Brent & Holly!

The picture above leads you into Brent’s new beautiful commercial kitchen showroom, where he can provide demonstration’s and help design the perfect kitchen.

The Southmayd family and myself have just about got the house cleaned up, sub-floor vacuumed, the extra building materials removed or organized, and are patiently waiting on the cabinets. I spoke with the siding crew again to make sure they can come back out after the electricians get the exterior garage lights up, and block & trim them out. There is a hose bibb and sauna outlet that needs trimmed out as well, as we added one hose bibb, and did not have the exterior lights picked out in time for the siding crew. Jayson & Misty we’re excited to show me how nice the garage lights will look in the picture below.


I left a message for Scott Smith, owner of Tom Smith Fiberglass shop that the dog bath he designed and built for the Southmayds could be delivered or picked up at his convenience. Below is a picture of the dog bath.

Most of the exterior work is complete except the back covered patio where the hot tub will go. I still need to find a flatwork guy to set forms and prepare the pour. We also need some more soil, which J T’s Excavation will deliver from the Holbrook Street Apartments that are currently being constructed in Creswell.

I also have a call in to Rosboro Lumber Company. They were one of the local sawmills that donated a good portion of the lumber for the job, including lumber for the construction of the engineered roof trusses. I still owe the Truss Company some 8-foot lumber typically used for the webs of trusses. I’m hopeful that Rosboro will be in a position to help me settle up with the Truss Company. The Southmayds and I thank both companies again for their outstanding help.

Our overhead garage doors should be in this month. Paul, the owner of the Overhead Door Company of Eugene indicated when he ordered them way back in October that they would not be in for several months. Almost six months…. Good timing actually.

I met Michael Bawyll last week, and he works for the local 16 Sheet Metal Union, and specializes in tin bending, among other specialty work. Once we installed the drop-down attic access ladder in the garage, we compromised the fire-rated separation required between the garage (a “U” occupancy) and the residence, (an “R-3” occupancy). Michael is going to bend a 25-gauge piece of sheet metal in the form of a wide, squared-up, “U” shape. This will slide over the 3/8” piece of plywood on the bottom of the drop-down stair cover, thus creating an equivalent fire-separation within the garage.

Lastly, I happened to catch the professional moving company, Elite Relocation Services, as I was meeting at a mini-storage unit office for some building code consultation. They had just made a delivery and I thought to take a picture of their moving van as it left. The owner of the storage units indicated that they are one of the best moving companies to work with. They will help Jayson & Misty relocate all their stuff that has been stored in boxes since Easter of 2019.


We look forward to meeting them soon. Thanks again to all who have worked on this project, as well as those that have followed this extraordinary project the last, almost two years!


Jason Bush, CBO

Building Official

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